Wisdom from Professor Plum Branding

Research Branding Content Digital Marketing Public Relations Marketing Signaling

Introducing Chief Growth Officer Marie Mansheim

A Chief Growth Officer bridges gaps between sales, marketing, product development and manufacturing and identifies new market opportunities to expand customers.

Branding Content Digital Marketing

In the World of AI, a Writer Stands Out

ChatGPT provides opportunities for real writers to punch above the algorithmic blah.

Branding Identity guidelines

The Importance of a Style Guide

When your staff communicate with customers across channels, consistency is key. It’s important to lock in your brand identity. Here’s how:

Research Branding Marketing

What's In a (Product) Name?

Naming a product can be tricky. Here are some tips for making the process smooth and productive.

Branding Marketing

Product Positioning: Differentiate or Die

In a sea of competitors, how do you position your product to stand out? Your choices are differentiate or die. Consider these important factors when reeling in buyers:

Branding Marketing

Without These Six Strategy Essentials, Your Product May Experience Failure to Launch

Looking for expert advice for your product launch strategy? Here are six essential elements of successful product launches SCG has perfected over 30 years.

Research Branding Marketing

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Marketing based on flawed beliefs don’t quite hit the mark. Here’s how to bridge the gap between what you think customers want and what they really want. Hint: ask them.


Working Collaboratively with Clients on Branding

Working collaboratively is part of our culture here at SCG, and we relish opportunities to make great work in true partnership with our clients. The branding process is no different, and in fact it’s one of the more collaborative services we offer.


Color Theory is Essential for Marketing Designers of All Skill Levels

Designing anything with color – logos, ads, banners, newsletters, business cards, websites – can be overwhelming for anyone, whether it’s your profession or…


Transform Your Messaging for a Competitive Advantage

Make your company soar above the competition using SCG’s compelling and effective messaging strategy. The key is better messaging, not more.